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JB HR Innovations Services

Training / Consultation / Recruitment and Selection

Knowledge Management (KM) is today seen as an important aspect for success. Managing knowledge has in many ways become a way of staying alive for organizations.

M/s JB HR Innovations Services (JBHRIS) is an initiative of professionals with distinguished career profiles possessing rich experience and expertise in the area of Education, Knowledge Management, Training, Recruiting and Consulting. It plays a significant role in the education space as a convener, knowledge creator and forum for policy dialogue, working through its Quality Nodes (QNs) and Task Force on Manpower Management and Policy Support. We attempt to act as a catalyst for innovative education and training policy reforms conducive for quality education and training through pooling of best practices and exchange of experiences, lessons learned and knowledge. JB Consultancy Services and JB HR Innovation Services headquartered at Patna, India, is one of the fastest growing educational enterprises. JBCS established in 2013 and JBHIS in 2015, the company actively imparts customized training interventions in soft skills and mental ability to forecast and meet emergent needs and drive social and economic transformation sustainably. Covering different thematic areas of education, training and research, we actively support data collection, management and use these to improve education planning through sound and up to date Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) .

Knowledge Management (KM) is today seen as an important aspect for success. Managing knowledge has in many ways become a way of staying alive for organizations.

We design, develop and deliver a wide range of training and development solutions for corporate of all levels as well as for students and faculty of many Educational Institutions. Programs are customized to the specific needs and requirements of the client organization and are in sync with its work culture. We are committed to delivering the best fit solutions that work.JBHIS strives to connect national, regional and global platforms and networks to create an access point for sharing and promoting analysis, dissemination and accessibility of proven best practices and knowledge products on education and training by:

  • Improving access to technical information via a customizable search tool to help users achieve better search results across various research topics and information products,
  • Collaboratively designing and developing a support tool to disseminate knowledge,
  • Design the wire frame and metadata structure for the proposed online knowledge repository and knowledge exchange platform ,
  • Develop the system to centralize storage for information to access institutional and administrative documents knowledge products.
  • Support the creation of digital documents, managing information, record management, business process management, web-content
  • Support content driven collaboration.
  • Serving as a gateway to a broad range of tools that enable countries and stakeholders to address issues related to policy-making and on-the-ground implementation,
  • Harmonize the mechanism of selection and validation of experts into the CV Experts Database,
  • Address the gap in education research, especially the research-practice,
  • Support informed decision-making in education and training issues.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the workforce to reinforce effectiveness and strengthen the expertise through blended learning.
  • We are developing this firm to become a one-point solution to career issues of students, developmental needs of the frontline/supervisory staff of organisations, build up knowledge capital through rich interactions with high profile academia and the corporate world and also provide possible solutions to the disaster and crisis issues besides spiritual healing.


To equip every individual with the skills to live life at their own terms.



Empowering youth with a weapon called Confidence.


Goals Key Objective

Goals are general statements of desired achievement, while objectives are the specific steps or actions you take to reach your goal.

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